Moira Lafferty » Miss Lafferty's Homepage

Miss Lafferty's Homepage

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! I am happy to be back at Rush, teaching 5th Grade with Ms. O'Flynn this year. We are looking forward to having a fun and exciting year with our crew. 
This year will be my third year teaching in the Cinnaminson School District. Prior to teaching 5th grade, I was the Behavior Disabilities Teacher at CMS and Rush. I am privileged to teach in the same school district that inspired me to be an educator. Once a pirate, always a pirate! 
  • CHS '15
  • Saint Joseph's University- B.A. Elementary & Special Education 
  • National University of Ireland, Galway
  • The College of New Jersey- TESOL Certification
  • Traveling
  • Going to the beach
  • Spending time with friends and family 
  • Running
If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns throughout the year, please do not hesitate to reach out. As I will tell the students, we are all on the same "team," and I am looking forward to succeeding as teammates this year. 
Miss Lafferty 
"Miss Laff"